My First stop was Swansea, Wales. I went there so breathe some fresh ocean air and visit my friend Matt. Matt goes so Swansea University, but is originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was a great experience being on a college campus in the UK. There were lots of difference compared to Syracuse, but at the same time, being on a large open campus with big buildings and scenic views, it was reminiscent of Syracuse for me. All of Matt's friends were very nice and I found it slightly discomforting that they are more interested in our political elections than most American students. The coast was beautiful and I enjoyed my stay in Swansea very much.

I left for Abergavenney, Wales on Wednesday by train. I love taking the train because I get to people watch and look at everything around me. When you think about it really, looking out the train window is like looking at a moving photograph. Like looking through a lens, the train frames the world for you. So there was a girl sitting quitely in the booth in front of me and across from her were two guys getting drunk on their way. They were being quite loud and crewd, so the conductor I figure told them to get out at the next stop, because they did. One of the guys on his way off the platform, tapped the window where this girl was sitting and made a very discusting act towards her. This girl seemed like she didn't exactly have the most confidence in the world, so the tears started. She began to cry a lot and all I could think was how I wish the guy had made fun of me instead. It's not fair how mean people can be sometime. I'll never forget that moment for the rest of my life. The picture is a reflection of her in the roof of the train. I didn't look at her in person until I got of the train.

Of all the places I chose to go in Wales by myself, the Prince of Wales decides to go at the same time, Abergavenney. He was opening up a historical landmark called the Tith Barn. So I guess I went to the UK and saw roayalty. Breaking the stereotype much?
The Brecon Beacons


Distict Train to Richmond

Richmond Park