Monday, October 27, 2008

Swansea, Abergavenney and Bristol Trip

Swansea Bay in Wales

My First stop was Swansea, Wales. I went there so breathe some fresh ocean air and visit my friend Matt. Matt goes so Swansea University, but is originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was a great experience being on a college campus in the UK. There were lots of difference compared to Syracuse, but at the same time, being on a large open campus with big buildings and scenic views, it was reminiscent of Syracuse for me. All of Matt's friends were very nice and I found it slightly discomforting that they are more interested in our political elections than most American students. The coast was beautiful and I enjoyed my stay in Swansea very much.

I left for Abergavenney, Wales on Wednesday by train. I love taking the train because I get to people watch and look at everything around me. When you think about it really, looking out the train window is like looking at a moving photograph. Like looking through a lens, the train frames the world for you. So there was a girl sitting quitely in the booth in front of me and across from her were two guys getting drunk on their way. They were being quite loud and crewd, so the conductor I figure told them to get out at the next stop, because they did. One of the guys on his way off the platform, tapped the window where this girl was sitting and made a very discusting act towards her. This girl seemed like she didn't exactly have the most confidence in the world, so the tears started. She began to cry a lot and all I could think was how I wish the guy had made fun of me instead. It's not fair how mean people can be sometime. I'll never forget that moment for the rest of my life. The picture is a reflection of her in the roof of the train. I didn't look at her in person until I got of the train.

Prince Charlie, The Prince of Wales

Of all the places I chose to go in Wales by myself, the Prince of Wales decides to go at the same time, Abergavenney. He was opening up a historical landmark called the Tith Barn. So I guess I went to the UK and saw roayalty. Breaking the stereotype much?

The Brecon Beacons


Distict Train to Richmond

Richmond Park

Monday, October 20, 2008

Trpping for the Week

I'm going to Swansea, Abergavenney and Bristol. Hoping for some fun times, good photos and nice people.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Running to catch mommy

Stranger on Portobello Road

Old man in sitting on Brick Lane

Probably the best Tube photo I've taken. The reflection provides an interesting view of the train I'm standing in and I really like the head within the head.

Graham looking very abercrombie & fitch, but I actually really love this shot.

A sun bather in Hyde Park on a lovely Sunday afternoon.

Cole getting his game on in the club

Luke and I like going to clubs when we really should not.
"You have a gentle smile" -David Mountain

Happy Birthday Julia! I hope it was everything you wanted it to be and more. Keep rocking the streets of London and looking beautiful.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Birthday Weekend

Photo by David Mountain

It was my birthday yesterday. 20 years old, that means I'm not a teenager anymore, whatever that means. I would like to thank all of my friends here in London who made my birthday the best one I could have ever asked for. They are my family and I will never forget this unbelievable chapter in my life. I would also like to thank all the great birthday wishes from my good friends back in the States and all around the world. Without your presence in my life, life wouldn't be worth living in this extremely messed up, but beautiful place.
I went out to take pictures today and I probably should have left my camera at home. My laptop is still broken and it is very frustrating. Thank you Lucas for so generously sharing yours with me.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I fell asleep last night listening to the Presidential debate last, needless to say i had nightmares.

This morning I woke up 20 minutes late for my 9:00 AM advertising class. I was really mad because, one I rather skip a class than be late for it and two, i love my ad class. My professor is this really cool guy, with a great English style to him. The way he teaches really allows for our own interpretations and that's what I like most. I ended up going in for the second half of class and just tell him what happened and that I was sorry. He was totally cool about it and I enjoyed the second half of class. After class I went back to eat lunch at my flat before I went to my 2:00 PM class. I skyped my friends Lisa and Kristin which was really nice and then went back to school. Class was short today, just reviewing for the midterm.

Dave just read a really good poem to me. I enjoyed it a lot, as do I enjoy his company.
I'm going to celebrate Juliette's Birthday now.

Monday, October 6, 2008


I have to keep this short because Luke has so graciously allowed me to use his laptop while mine sits broken, needing a new operating system. This weekend I went to Amsterdam with a group of amazing people. We roamed about the streets of the city trying to see as much as we could in a 36 hour period. We had good times and we had some bad times, but we stuck it out and made it home alive. It was an amazing trip overall. But of all the things we did, the Van Gogh Museum was the best. Not only was it amazing seeing the paintings up close and personal, but as I was about to leave, I heard my name called. I turn to the right and my friend Inslee Coddington from home was standing right there. At first I thought I was imagining her, but she was real. Studying in Sweden, she also happened to be visiting Amsterdam at the same time. We couldn't chat long because we had our respective groups, but that was definitely a highlight from my trip.

(Side note: I saw some of VP debate and I thought I was having a bad trip, but not really)

We got back a couple days ago, and since then I've been a bit spacey one could say. But today I went to the Imperial War Museum and the British Museum. It felt good doing some educational activities here after ignoring them for so long. The War Museum was really heavy and made me, Luke and Skiba a bit sad. But then as we were leaving I saw a bunch of school kids walking happily along and it made me happy again.

I miss you so much...come to London and make sense of my life.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Helen was born in the mid 17th century and was sent to the future to destroy mankind. In an unfortunate accident, her time capsule landed face first and she hit the front part of her head, erasing her memory. She has not tried to kill me yet, and as her roommate, I am thankful. She does have these moments where she says things like, "your clothes, give them to me" and her eyes glow red and she seems to zoom in and analyze the probability of destruction.

I really like a lot of her photos and I enjoy living with her. She is kind and she cleans well, like any good woman. She has never gotten a black eye and not because she doesn't need to be re-told things, but because she could beat me up. She is also very attractive when she is on the war path. I pity those who challenge her kindness. There are rumors that she is the female incarnation of Achilles. I saw her open palm slap a horse once.
Written by David Mountain. Do not be offended, he is usually much worse.