I fell asleep last night listening to the Presidential debate last, needless to say i had nightmares.
This morning I woke up 20 minutes late for my 9:00 AM advertising class. I was really mad because, one I rather skip a class than be late for it and two, i love my ad class. My professor is this really cool guy, with a great English style to him. The way he teaches really allows for our own interpretations and that's what I like most. I ended up going in for the second half of class and just tell him what happened and that I was sorry. He was totally cool about it and I enjoyed the second half of class. After class I went back to eat lunch at my flat before I went to my 2:00 PM class. I skyped my friends Lisa and Kristin which was really nice and then went back to school. Class was short today, just reviewing for the midterm.
Dave just read a really good poem to me. I enjoyed it a lot, as do I enjoy his company.
I'm going to celebrate Juliette's Birthday now.
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