Thursday, September 18, 2008

The main man for The Lady Luck Club, who played at the Festival of the Thames

A street vendor down by the river

A little boy, who after his 10 seconds of fame and admiration of the London crowd, wasn't very happy about getting down from the stage.

I left the concert field area because I really needed to pee. Ada came with me because even I was nervous about the amount of people around us. We had to go to the portapottys to the side of the field and I noticed a construction wall blocking off areas away from the Thames. I looked through a hole and stumbled upon this shot. A man taking a smoke break out back. I think the lighting is really cool, and reminds me a lot of the photographs my photo class were admiring in class by Gregory Crewdson. It almost looks like a staged set, but it's not.

I took this when my mom and I went out to a Lebanese restaurant. I really love how her clothing blends in well with the environment.


AJ Chavar said...

that smoke-break shot is sick nasty. i'm loving the tones in it. wish it were a tad sharper though.

keep it up!

Taylor Weidman said...

Seriously good shot. $$